AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate SAA-C03 [HINDI]

Pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Certification. Complete AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Training

Pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Certification. Complete AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Training


Pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Certification (SAA-C01), Perform Real-World Solution Architecture on AWS, Learn Server-less Fundamentals (Lambda, DynamoDB,Redis,RDS), Secure your entire AWS Cloud using KMS, IAM Policies & SSM, Learn AWS Fundamentals (EC2, ELB, ASG, RDS, ElastiCache, S3), Learn DevOps fundamental

DevOps Engineer, Any One looking make career in Cloud, Cloud Architect

Know the basics Knowledge of IT & Infrastructure, Windows / Linux / Mac OS

[JAN 2024]




This course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge: [Hindi language]

  • There are many hands-on lectures in every section

  • There are quizzes at the end of every section

  • There's a practice exam at the end of the course

  • We'll be using the AWS Free Tier most of the time

  • I'll be showing you how to go beyond the AWS Free Tier (you know... the real world!)

  • We will spend over three hours discussing solution architecture on AWS in depth.

  • It covers in-depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02 exam

  • It's packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a solutions architect

  • It teaches you how to prepare for the AWS exam AND how to prepare for the real world

  • It's a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random services

Concretely, here's what we'll learn to pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam:

  • The AWS Fundamentals: IAM, EC2, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, EBS, EFS, Route 53, RDS, ElastiCache, S3, CloudFront

  • The AWS CLI: CLI setup, usage on EC2, best practices, SDK, advanced usage

  • In-Depth Database comparison: RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, DocumentDB, Neptune, Keyspaces, QLDB, Timestream

  • Analytics services comparison: Athena, EMR, Redshift, OpenSearch, Lake Formation, Kinesis Data Analytics, MSK, QuickSight, Glue

  • Machine Learning services: Rekognition, Transcribe, Polly, Translate, Lex, Comprehend, SageMaker, Forecast, Kendra, Personalize, Textract.

  • Monitoring, Troubleshooting & Audit: CloudWatch, CloudTrail, EventBridge, Config

  • AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS, Kinesis Amazon MQ

  • AWS Serverless: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Step Functions

  • AWS Containers Services: ECS, ECR,

  • AWS Security best practices: KMS, SSM Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, IAM Policies, Cognito, Shield, WAF, Firewall Manager, SSO, Certificate Manager, GuardDuty, Inspector, Macie

  • VPC & Networking in depth

Vijay Patel

Vijay Patel started his career as QA Engineer and with his 17 years of professional experience in QA/DevOps/Development, he started training of AWS Solution Architect, Terraform, Chef, Ansible, Linux, Jenkins, and other DevOps. technically savvy professional having 11 years’ experience working with emerging technologies tied to DevOps, in which major part I spent in simplifying automation and deployment for enterprise clients and their projects.

In my role as a DevOps, I orchestrate the journey of software development from commit to production. I drive performance and reliability across multiple platforms, working closely with Development and QA community to understand requirements for the build, test, deploy and release processes. My experience crosses shortening and automating testing and release cycles to get it done faster.

In addition to DevOps, I’m very interested in sharing knowledge. My experience revolves around providing strategic leadership for the development of agile, cost-effective cloud solutions using Best DevOps Practices so that the one can arrive at the best possible outcome.

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