The major periods and authors in Classical Music history, The single elements which make music and how they interact with each other, The main genres of compositions and their cultural and historical path, How to get in familiar with the instruments of the orchestra and recognize their sound
Beginners in Classical Music listening who need the basic knowledge required to start getting in touch with it, Who is not new to Classical Music, but wants to consolidate their knowledge about it
None at all
Hello and welcome!
I decided to make this course with the purpose of giving tools: tools to make everyone able to better explore Classical Music on their own in a simple, straight-forward, non-technical way that anyone can follow, while remaining culturally rich and practically useful.
We will discuss four major topics:
- the timeline of classical music: the four periods and the major styles that make the history of music, as well as the most important composers;
- music's triple nature: the three elements music itself is made of and how they are connected;
- the genres: the most common words you are going to find within the world of classical music, focusing on the different type of pieces most often played;
- the orchestra: we will get familiar with all the instruments found in a large symphonic orchestra, learning to recognize their sound, their characteristics and personality.
Since I am allergic to too much theory, I took some time to add a couple of in-depth music appreciation lectures, to integrate the informative ones.
You will be amazed at what treasures are hidden within even a single minute of great music. If you are skeptical about this, come in and see. You won't be disapponted!
Giacomo Mura
My name is Giacomo Mura, I am a 27-years-old Italian classical violinist and music teacher.
During and after my graduation in conservatory in Como I attended for years the history of music courses held by the well-known professor Alberto Batisti (one of the most important Italian music historians), where I learnt to look at music as part of our culture, and experienced the communication of the joy and the wonder born by a greater understanding and immersion into it.
I have been working for more than one year in the diffusion of a good and solid knowledge of classical music without demanding any basic preparation from my audience, teaching its history and how to listen with greater awareness and enjoyment.
During the past few years I held events and lectures working along with the Italian embassy in Vienna, the "Società Dante Alighieri" in Vienna, several Wiener Volkshochschülen, the associations "MUSEDU" and "Initiative WIr Sinnd".