Have a strong understanding of what cryptocurrency is and how different types of cryptocurrency work., Have a solid, working knowledge in order to discuss and use cryptocurrency safely and effectively in everyday situations.
The ideal student for this course is someone who wants to quickly understand and expand their knowledge of what cryptocurrencies are and how they work, as well as how to use, buy, sell and trade cryptocurrencies in a safe and effective manner., This course does not include any code sampling elements, as such it is not meant as a course for developers who wish to learn how to program Cryptocurrency applications.
There are no requirements needed to enroll beyond having an interest in learning what cryptocurrencies are, how they work and how they are used.
Newly Updated with Additional Video Lessons and Content Updated On Ethereum Moving to Proof of Stake, and How to Earn Passive Income With Cryptocurrency!
In just under two hours you will know everything you need to get started buying, selling, trading and even STAKING cryptocurrency. Includes essential information such as how to store your cryptocurrency safely, away from hackers!
Just a few of the thousands of 5 star reviews left by students of this course:
"Very clear and concise with lots of reference to other learning material. Great course for anyone looking to get more information on crypto-currencies and exchanges.
Thanks George! "
- Dave Barnhart
"A fundamental guide to getting into crypto market with where / how to start trading; while also answering simple questions or concerns novices would have with regards to FIAT integration etc.
A great Agnostic approach to wallets and exchanges was good to see also.
Great stuff George"
-Fab Horszowski
"Thank you for the course on Cryptocurrency fundamentals ; I was a complete novice and was lost int ocean of internet ; I really appreciate the way the course is structured and the impeccable delivery ; Im more confident of the subject then I was before. Hope to become an expert trader soon :) , Cheers !!!"
- Seema Bhatia
"What I enjoyed about the course is that George made it easy to follow along and understand.
In the lessons, he would compare the processes of how cryptocurrency works, with processes that most people would understand. This makes learning a lot easier."
-Robert Nicholson
"Great stuff.
Simple and straight forward. Thank you for the material, George."
- Jessie Yanger
Quickly get the knowledge you need about Cryptocurrency and start buying, selling, trading and staking cryptocurrency by enrolling now in this top rated course.
***** FREE BONUS: Includes a Downloadable PDF "Cryptocurrency Exchange: Starter Guide" *****
This quick video course wastes no time and leads you to quickly understand what cryptocurrency is, the different types of cryptocurrency available, and how you can use cryptocurrency, buy it, sell it and even trade it.
You will learn the key concepts around cryptocurrency including:
What is a cryptocurrency?
How do cryptocurrencies work?
What types of cryptocurrency are available including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Monero and others.
Which are the most valuable cryptocurrencies?
What are Ethereum Tokens?
What is the difference between a coin and a token?
What do I need to do in order to start buying, selling and trading cryptocurrencies?
How to store your cryptocurrency safely and protect yourself.
FREE Bonus: With your course enrollment you will receive a PDF download of a professionally produced, simple and quick-to-read "Cryptocurrency Exchange Starter Guide."
This valuable document includes information on how to select and get started on some of the leading Cryptocurrency exchanges, and is a perfect supplement to the video course. This downloadable PDF can help you get started even more quickly on trading cryptocurrencies if this is something you are interested in.
This video course and accompanying guide have been designed taking the feedback and requests from the more than 170,000 satisfied students worldwide which I currently teach on Udemy. It is specifically designed to help you quickly understand how to get started using, buying, selling and even trading cryptocurrencies both safely and effectively.
I look forward to seeing you inside!
George Levy, CSBCP, GBP
George Levy
We are changing the world with technology.
I am on a mission to help people and organizations learn how to use and apply blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to make the world a better place.
Through my lectures, videos and courses, along with my work with Blockchain Institute of Technology (BIT), and AI Institute of Technology (AIIT) I help people and organizations around the world understand and apply AI, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to increase their impact and make a greater positive contribution to the world.
We are changing the world with technology, and if we use this technology properly - we are bound to make the world a better place for everyone.
What would you like to learn?
Would you like to know how blockchain technology is transforming the Internet?
Do you want to understand how AI can work along with, and in the service of humans?
Would you like to understand Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and how they are disrupting the financial industry?
Would you like to be able to discuss blockchain effectively in business situations?
Would you like to have a firm grasp of where AI and blockchain technology are headed and how you can leverage it?
A few of the leading corporations and organizations I have trained include: World Bank, Ernst & Young, Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) "Fannie Mae", The Central Bank of Curaçao & Sint Maarten, The Ministry of Economy of Mexico and many others.
More About George Levy
George Levy is a Certified Senior Instructor on blockchain, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at Blockchain Institute of Technology (BIT), and a Certified Senior Instructor on Artificial Intelligence at AI Institute of Technology (AIIT).
He is a bestselling instructor with more than 190,000 students, and is the author of "The Most UNDERSTANDABLE Blockchain and Bitcoin Book You'll Ever Need."
George is a Certified Senior Blockchain Professional (CSBCP) from Blockchain Institute of Technology, and a Global Blockchain Professional (GBP) from Foundational Technologies Institute.
Estamos cambiando el mundo con tecnología.
Mi misión es crecer el impacto de la tecnología blockchain (cadena de bloques) y mejorar negocios a nivel global. A través de mis presentaciones, videos y cursos, y junto con mi trabajo con Blockchain Institute of Technology y AI Institute of Technology, ayudo a mis estudiantes y sus negocios alrededor del mundo a que entiendan y apliquen las tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial (IA), blockchain y criptomonedas para aumentar su impacto y lograr crear un mundo mejor para todos.
Estamos cambiando el mundo con tecnología, y si usamos esta tecnología de forma adecuada - crearemos un mundo mejor para todos.
Qué te gustaría aprender?
Te gustaría aprender cómo la tecnología de cadena de bloques está transformando la Internet?
¿Quieres entender cómo la inteligencia artificial puede trabajar junto con y al servicio de los humanos?
Te gustaría entender Bitcoin, criptomonedas y cómo están transformando a la industria financiera?
Te gustaría poder hablar sobre la cadena de bloques de manera efectiva en situaciones de negocios? Te gustaría tener una idea firme a cerca de dónde se dirigen las tecnología de inteligencia artificial y blockchain, y cómo poder tomar ventaja de todo esto?
Algunas de las muchas empresas y organizaciones las cuales he entrenado en blockchain y criptomonedas incluyen: World Bank, Ernst & Young, Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) "Fannie Mae", El Banco Central de Curazao y Sint Maarten, La Secretaría de Economía de México y muchos otros.
Más acerca de George Levy
George Levy es Instructor certificado en cadena de bloques (blockchain), Bitcoin y criptomonedas por Blockchain Institute of Technology (BIT) e instructor certificado en Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en AI Institute of Technology (AIIT)
George tiene los certificados de Certified Senior Blockchain Professional (CSBCP) de Blockchain Institute of Technology y Global Blockchain Professional (GBP) de Foundational Technologies Institute.