Mastering FinOps - Become a certified FinOps Practitioner

Pass the FinOps Practitioner exam the first time

Pass the FinOps Practitioner exam the first time


You will learn the basics of FinOps, its origin, and the problems it solves, The course provides comprehensive knowledge of the FinOps Framework and its six components, You will understand the motivations and concerns of FinOps Core Personas, The course equips you with the vocabulary needed to collaborate on FinOps activities with other stakeholders, You will get an introduction to cloud billing data and the FOCUS initiatives, and understand the iterative Phases for practicing FinOps, You will be able to pass the FinOps Practitioner exam with flying colors, Practice questions after each chapter to check your knowledge

Mastering FinOps is designed for a wide range of professionals who want to understand how FinOps is applied to enhance business value through cloud operations.

Understand the basics of how cloud computing works

Imagine navigating the intricate world of Cloud FinOps with ease, confidence, and expertise. That's precisely the vision we had in mind when creating the Mastering FinOps course. Crafted with care, this online course is your ticket to becoming a Certified FinOps Practitioner.

You just need to have a basic understanding of how Cloud technologies work and you are good to go :)

Our course aligns exactly with the official FinOps Practitioner curriculum from the FinOps Foundation. So, when you're sitting for the exam, the questions will feel like old friends rather than intimidating strangers.

We believe in learning by doing. That's why after each chapter, you'll find questions eagerly waiting to test your understanding. It's like having a mini exam after every chapter, but without the stress! Isn’t that fun?

Are You Ready to Master Cloud FinOps?

By successfully completing the Mastering FinOps online course, you will not only deepen your knowledge and skills in Cloud FinOps, but you'll be fully prepared to ace the Certified FinOps Practitioner exam.

The future is in the Cloud, and with this course, you could be leading the revolution! So, are you ready to conquer the world of Cloud FinOps? Jump in, and let's start this thrilling journey together!

Serge Niagne

Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Serge Niagne et j'adore rendre les sujets techniques complexes facilement compréhensibles.

Cela a été le fil conducteur de ma carrière depuis 15 ans en tant que développeur, chef de projet technique et Architecte de Solution. Je passe la moitié de mon temps dans le monde de l'entreprise, à expliquer des concepts techniques complexes aux décideurs afin qu'ils comprennent et valident mes solutions technologiques pour résoudre leurs problèmes métier. L'autre moitié est consacrée aux développeurs, pour leur présenter les raisons business derrière les décisions techniques et m'assurer que ces choix ne limitent pas l'activité de l'entreprise de manière imprévue.

Mon objectif est toujours d'apporter une réelle valeur ajoutée aux différentes parties prenantes grâce à des explications claires et concrètes. Je suis ravi de partager cette approche dans mes formations, pour vous aider à maîtriser les sujets techniques et réussir vos certifications.

Quelques certifications Microsoft a mon actif:

- AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamental

- AI-100 Ingénieur en Intelligence Artificielle Azure

- SC-900 Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals

- MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

- MCT Microsoft Certified Trainer

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