300+ Exercises - Python Programming Mega Pack

Elevate Your Python Skills with 300+ Engaging Exercises - Unlock the Power of Python Programming with this Mega Pack!

Elevate Your Python Skills with 300+ Engaging Exercises - Unlock the Power of Python Programming with this Mega Pack!


solve over 300 exercises in Python, deal with real programming problems, work with documentation, guaranteed instructor support

beginner or novice programmers who want to learn Python from scratch and practice their programming skills through a wide range of exercises, students or individuals pursuing a computer science or programming-related degree who need practical exercises to reinforce their understanding of Python programming concepts, programmers or developers who are new to Python and want to transition from another programming language to Python, professionals working in fields such as data analysis, web development, or automation who want to expand their programming skills and learn Python for their specific use cases, self-learners or enthusiasts interested in learning Python and want to practice coding exercises to strengthen their programming knowledge and problem-solving skills, Python developers who want to refresh their understanding of Python programming and explore new topics through a diverse set of exercises

completion of all courses in the Python Developer learning path, basic and advanced knowledge of Python

The "300+ Exercises - Python Programming Mega Pack" course is a comprehensive, hands-on training program designed for both new and experienced Python learners. Its primary goal is to improve participants' Python programming abilities through practical exercises that encompass a wide range of real-world programming tasks.

Comprising over 300 interactive exercises, this course covers the fundamental concepts of Python, including data types, loops, conditionals, and functions, through to more advanced topics such as object-oriented programming, exception handling, and working with the Python Standard Library. Each topic is explored through problems that challenge learners to apply and solidify their understanding.

The course distinguishes itself through its focus on learning by doing. The exercises encourage learners to solve real-world problems and craft efficient Pythonic solutions. They have been carefully designed to increase in difficulty, with earlier exercises helping to build a foundation of knowledge that later exercises will expand on.

Solutions are provided for all exercises, allowing participants to compare their solutions with the recommended ones, improving their understanding and proficiency in Python.

The "300+ Exercises - Python Programming Mega Pack" course is an exceptional resource for anyone seeking to enhance their Python skills, whether they are beginners, intermediate programmers, or even advanced coders looking for a comprehensive refresher. It is more than just a course—it's an exciting programming challenge that promises to improve your Python abilities.

Python - Code with Simplicity and Power!

Python is a versatile and powerful high-level programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It provides a clean and expressive syntax that emphasizes code readability, making it easier to write and understand compared to many other programming languages. Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming, allowing developers to choose the most suitable approach for their projects.

Python boasts a vast standard library and a rich ecosystem of third-party packages, providing a wide range of tools and functionalities for diverse application domains. It is widely used in web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and more. Python's popularity stems from its ease of use, extensive community support, and cross-platform compatibility, enabling developers to write code once and run it on various operating systems.

With its beginner-friendly nature and extensive resources for learning, Python has become an excellent language for individuals starting their programming journey. Its simplicity and versatility make it an ideal choice for prototyping, rapid development, and solving complex problems with concise and elegant code. Python's philosophy of readability, combined with its broad application domain, has propelled it to be one of the most widely adopted programming languages across industries and disciplines.

Paweł Krakowiak


Python Developer/AI Enthusiast/Data Scientist/Stockbroker

Enthusiast of new technologies, particularly in the areas of artificial intelligence, the Python language, big data and cloud solutions. Graduate of postgraduate studies at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in the field of Computer Science and Big Data specialization. Master's degree graduate in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Lodz. Former PhD student at the faculty of mathematics. Since 2015, a licensed Securities Broker with the right to provide investment advisory services (license number 3073). Lecturer at the GPW Foundation, conducting training for investors in the field of technical analysis, behavioral finance, and principles of managing a portfolio of financial instruments.

Founder at e-smartdata


Data Scientist, Securities Broker

Jestem miłośnikiem nowych technologii, szczególnie w obszarze sztucznej inteligencji, języka Python big data oraz rozwiązań chmurowych. Posiadam stopień absolwenta podyplomowych studiów na kierunku Informatyka, specjalizacja Big Data w Polsko-Japońskiej Akademii Technik Komputerowych oraz magistra z Matematyki Finansowej i Aktuarialnej na wydziale Matematyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Od 2015 roku posiadam licencję Maklera Papierów Wartościowych z uprawnieniami do czynności doradztwa inwestycyjnego (nr 3073). Jestem również wykładowcą w Fundacji GPW prowadzącym szkolenia dla inwestorów z zakresu analizy technicznej, finansów behawioralnych i zasad zarządzania portfelem instrumentów finansowych. Mam doświadczenie w prowadzeniu zajęć dydaktycznych na wyższej uczelni z przedmiotów związanych z rachunkiem prawdopodobieństwa i statystyką. Moje główne obszary zainteresowań to język Python, sztuczna inteligencja, web development oraz rynki finansowe.

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